23,000 Scores!!

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23,000 Scores!!

Post by vinteuil »

I just uploaded the 23,000th Score! Less than a month from 22,000!
Yagan Kiely
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Post by Yagan Kiely »

That snuck(sp?) up on me.
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Post by aldona »

How long does it take, on average, for another 1,000 scores to be added?

23,000 scores = 1 December
22,000 scores = 6 November
21,000 scores = 6 October
20,000 scores = 2 September

Before the shutdown last year (2007 dates):
15,000 scores = 15 October
14,000 scores = 25 September
13,000 scores = 9 September
12,000 scores = 25 August
11,000 scores = 7 August
10,000 scores = 19 July

Looks like we are slower now than before the shutdown - it used to to be as little as 16 days between milestones (average 3 weeks or so), now more like 4 weeks.

Or is it that as more material is added, the number of works that are still missing is less and less?

“all great composers wrote music that could be described as ‘heavenly’; but others have to take you there. In Schubert’s music you hear the very first notes, and you know that you’re there already.” - Steven Isserlis
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Post by Melodia »

Or is it that as more material is added, the number of works that are still missing is less and less?
I imagine this, plus the fact that the initial push was from stuff that's been floating around for a while in the first place.
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Post by Peter »

I don't mind the upload slowing down. I'm actually very satisfied with it. The tempo before the takedown was way too high to keep up with, and we had to remove a lot of crap. Although I'm not doing a lot of copyright review any more, it seems to me that the current tempo results in an improved quality of our scores.

There are a couple of reasons for the slowdown:
- The majority of easily accessible scores from the internet has probably been uploaded to IMSLP by now.
- The MIT archive project was still active back then.
- The much stricter copyright review process, and maybe the legal threat itself, resulted in a lot less copyrighted scores or duplicates being uploaded. There might be other reasons for this too, like the excellent "copyright status request" forum.

I also have the impression that there is a less constant upload, but more batches of personal projects being uploaded at once (complete editions and cdroms). There are less small occasional uploaders (who mindlessly upload), and more contributers who put time in their work.

So very good job, uploaders and reviewers!! Thanks !!
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Post by aldona »

We'll have to have a huge celebration when we hit 25,000.

“all great composers wrote music that could be described as ‘heavenly’; but others have to take you there. In Schubert’s music you hear the very first notes, and you know that you’re there already.” - Steven Isserlis
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