Johan Halvorsen symphony IMSLP #23969

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Johan Halvorsen symphony IMSLP #23969

Post by audunsj »

Why is this file blocked? If it is the file from the royal library in Copenhagen it is a manuscript scan and not a normal scan. The manuscript got a copyright notice on the bottom, but it's rather strange to write this on a manuscript in pencil? If the reason for the blocking is the date of the first published edition, some more scores should also be blocked. Among others the manuscript scan of Grieg's symphony in c (IMSLP #22514-IMSLP #22517), which was first published in 1984 (I think) by Peters, (1985 by Muzyka).
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Post by Carolus »

I've retagged the Halvorsen as "C" in the USA as I don't think a renewal was filed. The manuscript does bear a valid copyright notice, however, so this could be changed at any time should information surface about a renewal.

The Grieg falls into a gray area. It could be protected under Editio Princeps rules, but the fact that the Bergen Library has it available for free download suggests otherwise. As with the Halvorsen, this could change at any time without notice.
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