Why is the reoplading so sluggish??

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Why is the reoplading so sluggish??

Post by DALTORPS »


I´ve have tried and tried to reupload the parts to Mozart´s Kv 10 since the order of the movements got, some how, mixed up in the previous ones, but it is so sluggish. Why? I use the same, short, filenames as before and it still doesn´t want to work out. Can I do the reuploadings in a alternative, faster, way?

Best regards

DALTORPS (Brian Cohn) :?
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Post by imslp »

If the problem has to do with the new version not being available for download (i.e. you get the old version instead), see the following post:


If it is another problem (speed?), please do tell me. Though speed should not be an issue today, because the server is no longer overloaded (unlike the past three days).
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Post by DALTORPS »

To admin.

It´s probably a question of speed. I just tried again to do a reupload of my own retypeseeting the cello part in Mozarts K10, and nothing happend.

Best regards

DALTORPS (Brian Cohn)
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Post by carmar1791 »

Now for my files all seem to be ok .I've just reupload many things.....
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