Composer Mixup - Hofmann vs. Hoffmann

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Composer Mixup - Hofmann vs. Hoffmann

Post by aldona »

There are two composers with similar names:

Heinrich Anton Hoffmann (1770-1842) (double "f")
Heinrich Hofmann (1842-1902) (single "f")

The Serenade for Flute and Strings (Op.65) is incorrectly placed on the former's work page, when it should be the latter.

I would be grateful if one of the admins could move it to the correct page, as my attempts to do major moves like this only result in weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Thank you in advance

“all great composers wrote music that could be described as ‘heavenly’; but others have to take you there. In Schubert’s music you hear the very first notes, and you know that you’re there already.” - Steven Isserlis
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