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More horn works :D

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:02 am
by Will W W
Hey guys, I'm back with more music! Anyway, I went through my horn music and found some pieces requested/not in the database. However, I'm not sure of the copyright status of them. Here's the list:

Kling 40 studies, published by IMC in 1958, edited by James Chambers. Not copyrighted?

Kopprasch 60 studies book 1, published by IMC in 1960, edited by James Chambers based on the Albin Frehse revise. Copyrighted, yes?

Kopprasch 60 studies book 2, published by Carl Fisher Inc in 1939, revised by Albin Frehse. Not copyrighted?

200 Studies from Maxine-Alphonse book 2 plate number 16720. I think this is copyrighted because of the Japanese commentary :cry:. Correct?

Gallay 30 Studies Op. 13, edited by Gallet, published Colombier, NO DATE (that I found), plate number (?) 815. A. P. (The book is falling apart so some of the text is not exactly readable. The notation is fine though.) I couldn't find much info on either the work or the publisher, but I'm pretty sure this is not copyrighted. Can anyone confirm or rebuke?
Original cover text:
Etudes pour Cor
(Ouvrages adoptes par les Conservatoires de France et de l'Etranger)
Op: 13. Trente Etudes prededees d'une gamme enharmonique.
Paris,E.GALLET,Editeur Succ(one character or misprint or space)de COLOMBIER
COMMISSION 6. Rue Vivienne et Galerie Vivienne de 62 a 72 EXPORTATION
Tous droits d execution de reproduction et darrangements reserves
Propriete exclusive pour tous pays y compris la Swede la Norwege et le Danemark(?)
E.G.(C.73 50 49

Gliere Concerto for colorature soprano and orchestra mvt 1, transposition for a horn and a piano by(?) A. CEPOCTAHOBA, published by the State Musical Publishing House, Moscow, 1958. Not copyright?
Original text:
р. глиэр
для голоса
с оркестром
часть 1
для валторны и фортепьяно
государственное музыкальное издательство
Москва 1958

Much thanks!

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2008 5:37 am
by Carolus
Thanks for posting here, Will WW. It saves the copyright reviewer time and saves you possible frustration if we had to delete items you'd taken the time to post, which we do only when we absolutely have to.

I would avoid posting anything from International as a general rule. The majority of their editions are interpretative performance editions, where the editor has often added material which is very possibly copyright. The James Chambers editions are a case in point. Same for the Frehse edition of 1939.

We already have quite a number of the Maxime Alphonse etudes up. If you wish to post additional ones, they should be from an earlier printing because of the Japanese translation and possible copyright issues.

The Gallay is 100% free. Colombier was a 19th century Paris publisher who was defunct before 1900. The plate number you describe suggests that the Colombier is itself a reissue of an even earlier publisher's output.

The Gliere is a transcription by A. Serostanov. Since it's a transcription, not a critical edition, the term is 50 years after the death of the last surviving collaborator - Serostanov, who was probably still alive in 1958. In the unlikely event that Serostanov died before 1958, the publication you cite would still not be free in Canada until Jan. 1, 2009.